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Extreme Tech Challenge Executive Managing Director Victoria Slivkoff Interview
世界最大級のスタートアップ登竜門「XTC」が重視する成功への条件/The World’s Largest Startup Pitch Competition, Extreme Tech Challenge, Provides Startups The Exposure and Network to Succeed
Extreme Tech Challenge(以下、XTC)は、SDGsなどグローバル課題に挑戦するスタートアップを支援する世界最大級のピッチコンテストだ。毎年100カ国以上から数千もの起業家がエントリーし、過去にはZoomやCanvaを含む数多くのスタートアップをエコシステムとして輩出している。XTC事務局長のヴィクトリア・スリフコフ氏に、スタートアップが成功するためのポイントと米国における知財情勢について伺った。

Extreme Tech Challenge事務局長 ヴィクトリア・スリフコフ(Victoria Slivkoff)氏
XTC事務局長のほか、米国・欧州・イスラエルにおいて、AIやデータサイエンスを中心としたアーリーステージのディープテックスタートアップを支援するVC、Walden Catalyst Venturesのエコシステム責任者も務めている。同VCでは、複雑なイノベーション・エコシステムを大きく変革するため、インパクトのあるビジョン、戦略、オペレーションを推進し、未来を定義する企業を生み出す画期的な技術を持つ起業家のパートナーとして、その役割を果たすことに情熱を注いでおり、企業開発、投資、IR、事業戦略・運営、経営コンサルティングなど、さまざまな分野のバックグラウンドを持つ。
XTCは、サムスン電子の元社長であるヤン・ソン(Young Sohn)氏と、シリコンバレーの伝説の投資家でTSMC(台湾の専業半導体会社)の社員第1号であり、Charles River Venturesの名誉パートナーであるビル・タイ(Bill Tai)氏により非営利組織として創設された。

XTCに携わるきっかけは、同大学のアドバイザリーカウンセルに参画していたソン氏と出会ったことだ。当時、サムソン電子のVC部門であるSamsung Catalyst Fundと同大学はスタートアップへの投資プロジェクトで提携しており、ソン氏と副代表のフランシス・ホー氏(Samsung Catalyst Fundの共同代表)は、UCのイノベーション・エコシステムの構築、膨大なIPポートフォリオの収益化、スタートアップへの投資戦略について、多くのサポートとガイダンスを提供。スリフコフ氏はコアメンバーのひとりとして同プロジェクトを管理・運用していた。
ソン氏は2018年に設立されたフランス政府主催のイノベーションサミット「Tech for Good」のメンバーに名を連ねており、2019年、SDGsをテーマにXTCをリブートする計画が持ち上がった。気候変動への対策や持続可能な社会の実現に向けて各国が動き出したタイミングで、ソン氏は新生XTCにスリフコフ氏を誘ったのだ。スリフコフ氏はカリフォルニア大学の学長室において、米国の大学の中で最大の1万2000超のIPポートフォリオを管理し、企業開発、投資、IR、事業戦略・運営、経営コンサルティングなど、さまざまな分野で実績を重ねてきた。米国、中東、ラテンアメリカ、アジア、ヨーロッパにおいて、投資を促進し、革新的な技術を拡大するための官民パートナーシップの形成にも豊富な経験を有している。。始めはXTCパートナーとして、XTCの予選となる大学内部向けコンペティションを取り仕切っていたが、現在スリフコフ氏はXTCの事務局長として手腕を振るっている。

・チーム:このプロジェクトを開発するために独自の能力を備えているか? ユーザー、業界、エコシステムを強く理解しているか? または、このプロジェクトを完成までやり遂げる決意と忍耐力を持っているか?

同氏は2016年のアメリカ合衆国特許商標庁の報告書「Intellectual property and the U.S. economy: Third edition」を取り上げ、知財を重視する業界では雇用率と経済生産高が高い傾向にある、という統計データを紹介。実際、2022年発表の同レポートには、知財重視の業界では6300万の雇用が生まれており、アメリカ全体の雇用率の44%を占める結果となっている。その先鋒がスタートアップであることも少なくない。

それと併せて、スタートアップシーンを盛り上げるXTCに世界の注目が集まる。2022年6月は米オースティンで、CoinDesk主催カンファレンス「Consensus」の中でWeb 3 Pitch Festを共催。9月はコペンハーゲンにて、ヨーロッパ最大のカンファレンス「TechBBQ」内でピッチコンテストを開いた。2023年1月の「CES」では、デジタルヘルス、フィンテック、サステナブルスマートシティ、Web 3.0を課題に世界中のスタートアップがピッチを披露した。

日本のスタートアップシーンについてスリフコフ氏は、特にソフトウェア、バイオテクノロジー、エレクトロニクス分野における日本の豊かなエコシステムの重要性を強調した。2020年からは、日本の有望なスタートアップを発掘してグローバルなステージに引き上げるピッチイベント「XTC JAPAN」を継続して開催。日本における強固なエコシステムの重要性を強調している。
「XTCは、イノベーションやアントレプレナーシップ、グローバルパートナーシップが一丸となることで、人類や地球が直面する大きな課題を解決できると信じている」。それは自身の信条でもあると熱く語るスリフコフ氏。今後も、より良い世界を創るための “ハブ”としてXTCの事業に取り組んでいきたいとした。

・Extreme Tech Challenge
・アスキー スタートアップ
Writer: Tanizaki Tomoko Editing: ASCII STARTUP
Extreme Tech Challenge (XTC) is the largest pitch competition for Startups tackling the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through purpose-driven innovations. Every year thousands of startups from over one hundred countries apply, with numerous successful startups being produced in the ecosystem, including Zoom and Canva. We spoke with Victoria Slivkoff, Executing Managing Director of XTC, to get her insight into what makes a startup successful and the current situation of IP within the US.

Extreme Tech Challenge Executive Managing Director Victoria Slivkoff
Victoria Slivkoff is the Executive Managing Director of Extreme Tech Challenge. She also serves as the Head of Ecosystem at Walden Catalyst Ventures, an early-stage VC firm investing in companies in the U.S., Europe, and Israel building the next generation of category-defining businesses in deep tech (where there's a breakthrough in science or technology), with a focus on AI and data. She is passionate about driving high-impact vision, strategy, and operations to transform complex innovation ecosystems at scale, serving as a trusted partner for entrepreneurs with breakthrough technologies creating future-defining companies. Victoria comes from a multidisciplinary background in corporate development, investment, investor relations, business strategy & operations, and management consulting.
XTC: A Gateway to Success for Startups
XTC is a nonprofit organization founded by Young Sohn, Founding Managing Partner of Walden Catalyst Ventures, Chairman of the Board at HARMAN International, and Former Corporate President and Chief Strategy Officer at Samsung Electronics, and Bill Tai, a legendary Silicon Valley investor and the first employee of TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company), the world’s most valuable semiconductor company and the world’s largest pure-play semiconductor manufacturer, and Partner Emeritus at Charles River Ventures.
XTC’s mission is to empower entrepreneurs to build innovative technologies that improve the world. The goal is to identify potential market-leading companies that can impact the world in a big way and provide the rocket fuel to help them scale faster.
Since 2015 XTC has worked in conjunction with top conferences globally to give new opportunities for startups to have global visibility and facilitate interaction with a worldwide community of investors, VCs, corporations, and more. Over a dozen XTC startups have exited and collectively, XTC startup finalists have raised over US$3.5 billion in venture capital funding as of 2022.

Victoria Slivkoff is the Executive Managing Director of XTC. Previously, as the Global Head of Innovation & Entrepreneurship for the University of California (UC) System, Ms. Slivkoff oversaw all innovation activities within the university; not only in managing the IP portfolio that generated over $120M in licensing revenue per year, but also in convening across the 60+ incubators and accelerators, and in the creation of an ecosystem for faculty, students, researchers, alumni, and industry to engage in IP portfolio management as well as monetization through licensing, for example.
“The UC system was a pioneer in academia to leverage tech innovations for increasing licensing transactions; such as using AI to aggregate clusters of synergistic IPs. As the office that led these strategic initiatives, I am proud of the work we did to commercialize a vast number of breakthrough university-born technologies through the tech transfer process with industry, resulting in products that can positively impact the lives of many” Ms. Slivkoff recalled.
Her involvement with XTC began when she met Mr. Sohn, who served on the University of California President’s Innovation Council, convened by Ms. Slivkoff. Mr. Sohn and his deputy, Mr. Francis Ho, who served as Senior Vice President and Co-Head of Samsung Catalyst Fund, provided much support and guidance to UC on strategies to develop its innovation ecosystem, monetize its vast IP portfolio, and invest in its startups. In addition, Victoria led the UC-systemwide partnership with Extreme Tech Challenge, in elevating top startups from the University of California-wide startup competition to the Extreme Tech Challenge.
Mr. Sohn is a member of the French-Government sponsored innovation summit, ‘Tech for Good Initiative,’ which was established in 2018. This brought a new phase of XTC in 2019 with a refocus on the theme of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Mr. Sohn invited the UC system to partner with XTC at a time when countries across the world were shifting towards addressing climate change and working towards a sustainable society. At the University of California Office of the President, Ms. Slivkoff managed a portfolio of over 12,000 IPs, the largest portfolio of any university in the U.S. Victoria comes from a multidisciplinary background in corporate development, investment, investor relations, business strategy & operations, and management consulting. She’s experienced in forming public-private partnerships to drive investments and scale innovative technologies in the U.S., the Middle East, Latin America, Asia, and Europe. Having had the experience of serving as a regional competition organizer at the UC system for XTC, Ms. Slivkoff subsequently joined the organization in 2021 as its Executive Managing Director.

Conditions for Your Startup to Succeed
The XTC competition itself has the following main criteria for the evaluation of prospective challengers. These criteria follow those used by VCs and the like to evaluate pitch decks, encompassing crucial characteristics for startups to succeed.
・Team: Is this team uniquely qualified to develop this project? Do they strongly understand their users and the industry and ecosystem in which they operate? Do they have the determination and endurance to carry this through to completion?
・Product/Service Innovation: Is this a disruptive innovation that is differentiated from competitive or substitutes offerings?
Product Market Fit: Is there traction and enough scale in the addressable market for sufficient growth/profit to be an attractive investment?
Tech for Good: The degree and reach of impact on human and planetary health

Ms. Slivkoff added three more important points.
Firstly, the product or service should match the needs of the times. “In recent years, sustainability and climate tech topics have garnered much attention. Entrepreneurs building startups at the intersection of commercial viability and impact have benefitted from this.” Ms. Slivkoff stated.
Secondly, identify a beachhead use case. “There may be many use cases for some technologies, but those with the largest market potential should be prioritized. From there, take measures to lower the friction of adoption of your product; whether it be lowering the cost or delivering better performance over your competition, to drive user adoption.”
Finally, the third thing Ms. Slivkoff added was to focus on scalability, repeatability, and how to develop a successful go-to-market strategy.
“It’s important to start with a major pain point you’re trying to address, then develop the technology to solve it. This pain point has to be significant enough that potential customers would pay for a solution to address it. And as shared previously, timing is important too - is there urgency from potential customers to address the pain point now?”
“To achieve this, we need to invest time and research into determining whether a product or service is solving problems from the user’s point of view. A thorough understanding of the customer’s pain points and desired solution features via customer interviews during the product development process would ensure that the end product will have a high chance of acquiring new customers.”
IP is another important factor in the likelihood of a successful business.
“This ‘moat’ protects technologies from competitors and gives that competitive edge,” she remarked. “Especially in the biotech and deep tech industries where patents are strategically important. Strong IP has to be complemented by a viable business model and a revenue model as founders build large and valuable businesses. ”
In addition, Ms. Slivkoff noted that IP strategies are becoming more important than ever for national strategy - they increase a country’s competitiveness and stimulate economic development.
Ms. Slivkoff indicated this significance by highlighting a 2016 United States Patent and Trademark Office report, “Intellectual property and the U.S. economy: Third edition,” which indicates that IP-oriented industries tend to lead to increased employment rates and economic output. In fact, the 2022 report states that approximately 63 million jobs have been created in IP-oriented industries, leading to 44% of the total U.S. employment rate. A common thread of these trends is startups.

XTC to Expand its Activities
After recently visiting Singapore, Ms. Slivkoff was impressed by the rapid expansion of its startup ecosystem. Singapore has a national strategy of supporting R&D, “they are attracting a high number of entrepreneurs as a gateway to expand into Asia and Southeast Asian countries,” Ms. Slivkoff explained. She welcomed this increasing number of hub cities globally that are helping to boost the progress of entrepreneurs.
Aligning with this, the world’s attention will turn to XTC and its efforts in enriching and expanding the global startup ecosystem. In June 2022, XTC co-hosted the Web 3 Pitch Fest during CoinDesk's Consensus conference. At CES in January 2023, XTC held four startup competition finals by showcasing the top 32 startups across digital health, fintech, sustainable smart cities, and web3. The winner of each tech vertical was announced and celebrated on the main stage of the Las Vegas Convention Center Grandy Lobby Center Stage at CES. A networking reception hosted by NXP Semiconductors and a private dinner followed the on-stage programming. This provided the featured XTC startup founders the benefit of global visibility, increased access to potential investors, corporate strategic partnerships, and mentorship. Founders also formed close bonds with other entrepreneurs as they shared best practices and opportunities - a true sense of building a community that supports the global innovation ecosystem.

On the Japanese startup scene, Ms. Slivkoff highlighted the importance of Japan's rich ecosystem, particularly in the software, biotech, and electronics sectors. In 2020, the pitch event "XTC JAPAN" was held, offering the opportunity for Japanese startups to be on the global stage with XTC. Ms. Slivkoff emphasizes the significance of Japan's stable ecosystem.
“XTC believes that innovation, entrepreneurship, and global partnerships can really come together and solve some of the biggest challenges that we're facing in human and planetary health.” Ms. Slivkoff passionately states that these are her beliefs, too. She hopes to work further on XTC’s business as a ‘hub’ to build a better world.

Related sites
・Extreme Tech Challenge
・JPO information for startups
・ASCII Startup