2024/09/17 16:00 “Business Leaders and Engineers Should Learn Intellectual Property” - Insights into IP Creation from an Indian Deep Tech Startup
2024/04/16 16:00 Taiwan's Pioneer VC Darwin Ventures on the Current State of Technology x Global Investment
2024/04/09 16:00 Learning from NRC IRAP, an innovation assistance program designed to facilitate entrepreneurship and support global activities from the business-friendly country of Canada.
2023/11/21 16:00 Organ on Chip Development Platform Akin to Semiconductor Manufacturing: Finnish Startup Transforming Human Clinical Trials
2023/02/21 16:00 世界最大級のスタートアップ登竜門「XTC」が重視する成功への条件/The World’s Largest Startup Pitch Competition, Extreme Tech Challenge, Provides Startups The Exposure and Network to Succeed
2023/02/09 16:00 重量物の持ち上げ作業での腰の負担を軽減するパワースーツを開発するGerman Bionic/German Bionic Develops Power Suits Reducing Back Strain in Heavy Lifting
2022/03/25 19:00 革新的治療を実現、ブレインマシンインターフェースが開拓する医療の未来/Brain Machine Interface Opens the Future of Medicine for Innovative Treatments
2022/02/22 16:00 前時代的な値引きシールをAIでアップデート 食品ロス問題を解決する/Wasteless The End of the Prehistoric Discount Sticker - Wasteless and its AI-Powered Food Waste Solution
2022/01/25 16:00 全米で約400社弱が入居でラボは満員 米LabCentralがライフサイエンス系スタートアップに人気の理由/Across the whole of the United States, the Lab is full with roughly 400 companies as residents at the facilities of Lab Central and Biolabs.
2022/01/07 11:00 世界有数のスタートアップ輩出国・イスラエルの黎明期を支えた投資家に聞く、成功する企業の条件/We asked the investors that supported the dawn of Israel as a major startup exporter hub in the world about the necessary conditions for successful enterprises.
2022/01/05 14:00 Appleやディズニーが製品強化で利用 CMUに学ぶ大学発スタートアップ発の技術と文化の育み方/Methods Employed by Apple and Disney Learn from CMU how to Foster Technology and Culture in University Startups
2022/01/05 13:30 「CRISPRは簡単に扱えるため、差別化が重要」ノーベル賞受賞者が共同設立したスタートアップに聞く技術と知財/“Differentiation is the key to making CRISPR easy to use,” Technology and Intellectual Property from a Startup co-founded by a Nobel Prize winner
2022/01/05 13:00 米国西海岸におけるバイオエコシステム 産学連携プログラム・SPARKの取り組みと起業における知財の重要性/The Bioecosystem of the United States. Industry-academia Collaboration Program; The Efforts of SPARK and the Importance of Intellectual Property in Entrepreneurship