
ASCII STARTUPの協力で開催するオンラインイベントで、知財専門家によるスタートアップ知財強化勉強会。Zoomでのウェビナー形式での開催となり、全編英語(通訳なし)での開催。
Founding a startup and running a small company require spending cash carefully. Patenting is an expensive activity. However, companies only have one chance to file for a patent before they bring their products to market.
In this study session, we will learn about how to decide whether and when to apply for patents. This requires doing a prior art search, drafting claims, performing a market analysis separately for each country, and understanding the timeline and costs to make the right decision. We will look at each of those topics in detail, with time for Q&A and discussion.
Jonah Probell
SoundHound Inc. IP Strategist.
Jonah is the in-house IP strategist for SoundHound, a medium-sized Silicon Valley software company applying AI to speech and natural language understanding. Jonah has spent more than 20 years working for 7 startups and small companies in engineering, sales, marketing, and patenting. Along the way, he has been named on several patents and became a registered US patent agent. Jonah also wrote a book on the most important things for small companies to know about patenting and hosts the Discussion of Patents free co-educational meetup.
特許庁では今後も多数の勉強会を予定。詳しくはIP BASEイベントカレンダーを参照のこと。
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詳しくはIP BASEイベントカレンダーをご覧ください★★